Monday, May 5, 2014

AKB48 Past and Present

Alright...first of all judging by the title of the must have already known what this is all about...this is about the past and present AKB48.
It has been more than 8 years since the group started...and yes judging by that they have already done a lot of things...things and awards that they can be proud of. YES...AKB48's name is something that will be written down in the history of Music Industry...

So which do you prefer...the old or the new AKB48?

For me I choose the old AKB48....

Because of a lot of things.

1. First of all...they have the best members...starting with Maeda Atsuko, Oshima Yuko, Takahashi Minami, Kashiwagi Yuki, Watanabe Mayu, Sashihara Rino, Itano Tomomi, Shinoda Mariko,Kojima Haruna, Minegishi Minami, Matsui Jurina, Matsui Rena, Takajo Aki, Akimoto Sayaka, Kitahara Rie, Kasai Tomomi...and etc..  You get the point right? These members are the main senbatsu members...maybe except Sayaka because sometimes she's not included...but she is still so awesome.

2. Without the members above....AKB48 will never be where it is now...yup it is kind of above the heavens and considered as the queen of all Japanese girl groups.

3. All of them are really beautiful and awesome in their own way that whenever you see a MV or a live featuring all of will never take your eyes off them.

4. They all have an incredible aura. Auras that can really make them stand out even though how simple they are.

5.Because most of them achieved their dreams....

And there are a lot more I can expand because I can't write the many good things the Past AKB48 has.

What I mean in number 5 is that....the past AKB48 has already achieved their dreams...enough for them to engrave their name in their own respective fields.

Atsuko Maeda- Singer and Actress
Yuko Oshima- Actress
Takahashi Minami- Singer
Kashiwagi Yuki- Singer
Watanabe Mayu- Singer
Sashihara Rino-Singer and Variety
Itano Tomomi- Singer
Shinoda Mariko-Model and Designer
Kojima Haruna- Singer and Model

See...if you only know how busy they all are and still fulfilling their respective roles as the main senbatsu will be really amazed. Lots of magazines are featuring their name and photos...many commercials are featuring them and even one member can have 19 commercials in just one year. You will see them in a lot of Music Programs and Variety Shows... Yes…that is how busy the past AKB48 members are...

Actresses like Acchan and Yuko busy filming their respective roles in dramas and films...Yes...the past AKB48 already reached and grabbed their own dreams.

In concerts and lives...the loudest chants are of their senbatsu elections....they all have the highest votes and this can be considered a social phenomena. The past AKB48 members as a group and as an individual has really achieved their goals.

Now....................................................let us compare them to the new AKB48.

First of all...I don't know what to say....I don't even know their names...only of a few PUSHED ones. 

Okay...when the word of PUSH come to my mind only one person fits that description...YES ONLY 1....

And that is PARURU.....a member of the 9th gen who officially became an AKB member in 2010.
I don't know what's so good about her...well she is kind of cute...but her's's like she has a lot of salt intake that she can't even show any real emotion.
She can smile...but it is so awkward....her face is like she is always in pain...I really don't know. Anyways what is so good about her...she don't really dance well...she can't sing well...and she can't even act well…she don’t even have an aura of one needed to be in front.
I don't know what is so special about her that she must be pushed to be in front together with MAYUYU AND JURINA.
I don't see anything special in her like what I saw in my kami-oshi Maeda Atsuko who's smile really makes my day complete.

Then there is this cute girl Kawaei...well she is the dumbest so yeah....

Then there is this Iriyama Anna...she is intelligent...quiet a rich girl aura....but she don't have an amazing aura like that of senbatsu members.

Well then there is this girl named Miori...FRESH LEMON...she really gets into my nerves. I really like this scene in Shojiki Shogi where a girl named Takeuchi told her that Humans can never be lemons...and that really made me laugh..

Well that's the people I kind of know....the New AKB48 never really get my interest...whenever I see them in an MV I would pray very hard that I would see a familiar senbatsu face so that I can at least finish the whole MV.

They are only featured in commercials featuring AKB48 members….you hardly see them have their own CM’s. They don’t have shoots as an individual person…they have pictorials because of the name of AKB48.None of them even have their own single…they only played roles in few dramas…their names can’t stand alone without the influence of AKB48/

Yup they still have a long long long way to go….and that is why they need to be pushed VERY HARD.

NOW...LET'S GO TO THE MV AND PV's REVIEW...and let us start with 2012 where the new pushed girls are really pushed and pushed really really hard.

Huhuhuhu...Acchan's last song.So let me start. The story is okay...about the emergence of the new AKB. I like their's so simple and yet they make my favorite senbatsu members so pretty. As you can see at the start of the Dance Version....the senbatsu are really having a lot of fun....the old members dance moves are almost perfect...but when the time came for the new members...I can't help but count all the mistakes they made...and I'm very very disappointed. How dare they make a lot of mistakes in Acchan's last single!

2. UZA
Ah yes...the No. 1 push girl is in here. And HAHAHA she is reallly having difficulty in shows in her salty face. I'm laughing so hard when I saw the documentary when Yuko said that she is kind of happy when she saw Paruru crying. Way to go Yuko! I think it’s expected for Jurina to replace Mayuyu…I mean Mayuyu can’t really catch up with such a cool song with amazing dance moves.

3. So Long
Even though Mayuyu is the center...I never really like the MV of this's so simple and crappy. MY favorite is the Team K drama though. Team B's drama is okay and I'll make it my favorite but Paruru is there destroying the drama.Team A’s drama is okay…they should have more scenes of Takamina seeing that she is the General Director of AKB..

4. Eien Pressure
I can't comment on this for sure....this is one of my hatest songs anyway and I shouldn't have watched it if not for Yukirin, Tomochin, and Mariko-sama. The starting verse is so so sharp…I can’t help but cover my ears…it’s so slow…just compare it with Chance and Ue Kara who has a catchy tune.

5. Sayonara Crawl is kind of okay…I don’t really get the idea of making Paruru as one of the centers of this song. Her salty expression really destroyed the scenes she is in. The flowers are just too overdesigned. I don’t really like the flower bikinis…it doesn’t really suit the song.Ah…Yuko and Tomochin in here is so pretty…I don’t get the fact why the new generation  members are included here…I mean there are members who deserved more than them.

6. Koisuru Fortune Cookie
Sashiko is the center of this song from winning the Elections…I like Sashiko…but this song is just not something for a  Senbatsu Song. I mean you can compare it with Iiwake Maybe, Heavy Rotation, Flying Get, and Gingham Check…it is just so different. Rino just gets a lot of exposure in this video though…the others should have longer shots too. I don’t really get why Paruru had a segment in the Special Video for Koisuru…I mean there is Takamina..there is Haruna…there is Tomochin and Mariko-sama…and there is Rino…they have higher positions than her…so why aren’t they part of the video?Well that is because she is a PUSHED girl. I mean she is just hanging in the media senbatsu…
In the 55th Japan Record Awards where they failed to get the award…I can really say that it is quite right for them. I mean I know they worked hard for this video…but it doesn’t really get people in the mood like Flying Get and Manatsu no Sounds Good did. If you compare it to EXILE’s Pride whose dance moves are really amazing…they really are bound to lose.

7.Heart Ereki
I’m glad Haruna is the center…but…I don’t really like the song.And I don’t know why Paruru is somewhere near the front..curse the management!

8. Suzukake Nanchara....
This is the 2nd janken single I don’t like…I mean…are they sure the song is portraying Jurina’s character? I don’t really know most of the members there…

9.Mae Shika Mukanee
Oh God Yuko…you’re leaving already? No…Takamina is the only pillar left to support AKB48….it’s a matter of time before it crumbles. I really like the song…it’s very Yuko like…very energetic and lively. I hate the garbage costumes…it’s Yuko’s last single and you’re making the MV costume made of trash? The PV is something quite trivial and I only watch the parts where the members I love shows up…I’m not satisfied though.

10. Labrador Retriever.
Well…Mayuyu is the center…well that’s kind of to be expected. But as I watched the MV…I realized that this is my hatest summer single. I mean honestly..dogs? The bikini is like a lace underwear…it doesn’t suit other members. The lighting is so bright and most of the members eyes are almost closing due to brightness.The dance is crap…I can’t imagine this if they are performing this at Kohaku. I don’t really feel the energy Summer Singles should have. Just compare it to Ponytail to Shushu, Everyday Katyusha, and Manatsu. The beat is something like fast and lively. But this song? It’s like a Sakura Song…it’s slow and makes me want to sleep. The MV is too full of crap…Seriously…And the like Manatsu no Sounds least make something original.I don’t know most of the people here…I would have been happy if the original are dancing this…just imagine them…they are all so beautiful now.

Now as you can see…the quality of AKB48 goes downhill…the happiness it gives to the people goes downhill…
Have you seen the things the old members have to do when they where at their age? I can’t count how many jobs they have done in many variety shows…yup..they really worked very hard…OH..HOW I MISS THE OLD DAYS.
Just imagine this thing…when Acchan was still 18..she already centered in a lot of songs and became the First Place in the First Election...Tomochin already have a single when she was still 19/20 years old. They won the 53rd Japan Music Awards…the first female group to win in Japan’s Music History…and Acchan at that time was still 20.
Now…let us see the present AKB48…most of them are already twenty…but what did they won? Maybe except having the best five singles of the year…but individually? If you see Acchan and Yuko…they got individual awards as an actress…Mariko, Haruna, and Tomochin got awards in modelling and fashion.
So can you see that? Those old girls who made AKB48 as what it is now are really amazing…they are really brave and strong to place AKB48 in the top.

And this year? Nothing…I hope they can at least win this year’s award because Haruna and maybe Takamina is graduating. But if they can’t produce something that can really rock Japan…then I think it is over for them.
Because I think…the area known as AKB48 is slowly crumbling with most of its pillars gone…and having two of its main pillars gone. The Face and Eternal Ace of AKB48, Maeda Atsuko is already gone. The Voice and Spokesman of AKB48, Yuko Oshima will be gone. And the remaining person…the Soul and Captain of AKB48 will be gone soon…without someone who can be considered an important pillar…AKB48 will surely be destroyed.
The management must be thinking that the people would want something new…something fresh! But I don’t think it is working. I mean…look at the songs they are singing now…it’s full of crap and I was quite surprised why they even rank high in the Request Hour Setlist. Well that’s kind of to be expected…what I mean is…it will be too difficult for the new members to dance the legacy songs of the old members. I can’t imagine Iiwake Maybe without Acchan and Yuko in front…doing the first verse. I can’t imagine Heavy Rotation without the energetic Yuko in front with Acchan and Mariko at her side. Flying Get will never be the same with most of its original senbatsu members gone…

I think the single which really made me amazed is Give Me Five! Just imagine the hardwork of the senbatsu members to learn to play the instruments…and even though it isn’t too perfect…it is really something excellent and amazing…and now they are just dancing the song with those crappy moves? The HECK?

Now let us move down to Kouhaku Uta Gassen…let’s start with the 60th Kohaku Uta Gassen where they sang River, Iiwake Maybe, and Namida cool is that? The 14th Single…River who made it first in the Oricon charts…the 13th single Iiwake Maybe from the 1st Senbatsu Election…and the 12th Single Namida Surprise where they made some campaign of going to different schools just to promote AKB48. Just look at the hard work the original members have to undergo in order to make a place for AKB48.

In the 61st Kohaku Uta Gassen…first was Beginner…the 18th single and the first single to sell more than a million copies…the 17th single Heavy Rotation who had the most Youtube views…and the 16th Single Ponytail to Shushu which they filmed in Guam and the very first Summer Single.
In the 62nd Kouhaku Uta Gassen wherein the Red Team won…you can say that AKB48 was one of the reasons. First their 23rd Single…Kaze wa Fuiteiru…which is dedicated to Japan…their 22nd single Flying Get which won the 53rd Japan Record Awards…and 21st Single…Everyday Katyusha filmed in Guam. To think they would fill the stage with 210 members…AKB48 is truly amazing.
In the 63rd Kouhaku Uta Gassen…AKB48’s member tally decreased…they first performed the 28th single UZA…with those amazing dark jackets…next is Gingham Check which is the 27th Single and lastly Manatsu no Sounds Good which is the 26th single. This is also the single that won in the 54th Japan Record Awards.For most WOTA they considered Manatsu no Sounds Good award to be the last gift for Maeda Atsuko…because she is truly the main center of this single though Mayuyu is also a center.

And if they are still going to be invited in the 65th Kouhaku Uta Gassen…what would they dance? First there is Labrador Retriever…too slow for a Summer Single…I don’t know what their Senbatsu Election Single will be…but if they can’t make a cool song this year…let’s just say their performance will never be worth watching.
Now let us talk about the Team System…in the first part Team A are composed of the first generation members, Team K are of second generation members, and third generation are in Team B…kenkyuuseis are them promoted to members to complete the 16 members of each team.

The first ever shuffle happened in the Nippon Budoukan-104 Senbatsu members concert…and I think this is the best teams ever.

The Team A symbolized by the color Pink are what you call the Perfect Idols…why do you think so? It’s because the key members of this team comprises the most senbatsu members in singles. First there is their center and ace of course…Maeda Atsuko.Then there is the captain of Team A and of AKB48 as a whole, Takahashi Minami. Then there are these four goddesses in Team A; Shinoda Mariko,Kojima Haruna, Takajo Aki, and Sashihara Rino…so there are 6 members that are popular.

Team K is represented by the color green and they are the cool and energetic group. In Team K, there is of course their center, Oshima Yuko. Then there are the first generation members, Minegishi Minami and Itano Tomomi. There is also the twin towers, Akimoto Sayaka and Miyazawa Sae. Sayaka though is sometimes not included in the senbatsu lineup of 16.

 Team B is represented by the color blue and they are the cute and lively group.In Team B, there is their center, Watanabe Mayu. There is also their captain, Kashiwagi Yuki. Then there is Kasai Tomomi, and Kitahara Rie.
Well these members comprises the main senbatsu members line-up and what of Team 4? None…members are just placed in the senbatsu line-up because they are really pushed hard

Now let us look at the present Teams after Grand Reformation.

Team A? None…their aura as the Perfect Idols are already gone. Just look at their new single…the heck! It’s a good song….but it is like a Team B song.Aren’t Team A songs supposed to be upbeat and dark songs? Just look at Kurumi to Dialogue and Rinjin wa Kizutsukanai…aren’t their clothes dark and white? 

Kurumi to Dialogue
Rinjin wa Kizutsukanai
Their song is also dark…that’s a signature Team A song. But now look at their song…it’s so bright…the essence of the true Team A is gone. 

The remaining essence are just Haruna and Takamina and they are going to be graduating later. Haruna said she is graduating this 2014 and Takamina said at her birthday that it will be her last team. I wonder why Paruru is the center though…she really doesn’t have the aura of being in Team A..well most of them doesn’t have that aura….their aura will likely be more useful in Team B…because they are just about cuteness. The original Team A never relies on their cuteness factor but they got popular because of their individual personalities…now where are the individual personalities of this so called new generation?

Team K? Their members are okay…but I wonder if they can still maintain the Team K spirit of being too energetic and cool on stage. The members which I think suits the Team K taste are only Jurina and Saya-nee and they are concurrent members! I wonder what will happen now? I think Yui will be okay as a captain…because she has been in Team K since 2009. But I wonder if they are going to be okay…what I mean by this is…are their dance moves going to be eyecatching like what the original members did?

Team B? No need to worry…Yukirin and Mayuyu are still there…but it is okay…I wonder if they will be alright though…Ikoma Rina is also there…I wonder if it is going to be alright.

Now about the present shuffle…before I knew the result…I have the feeling that Paruru will be placed in Team A. Why? Because she is pushed to be like Acchan! Excuse me…but Acchan is more superior in every way than her. No matter what you do…that will never change. So please…at least promote her in a fair way…because she is just pushed too hard…and I haven’t really seen a good improvement in her. Let me clarify something I don’t hate her…I hate why she is just too pushed hard together with members that are part of the so called New Generation. If she would at least be in the center…can you at least do something about her expression…because it makes the video bad.

River PV in USA

About the current AKB48…I think it’s going downhill….just look at their CD sales…it’s going down although it still reaches a million. The only senbatsu single with the highest sales is Flying Get…the voting singles are expected to be high though…it’s just expected. But just look at the other singles…later they’re going to be hanging at a million and will surely go down. The new election single regardless of the winner will surely sell less than Koisuru Fortune Cookie…like what is happening in the past years. If they want their sales to sell a million copies…why don’t they go back to the true AKB48. Because the true AKB48 spirit is the reason why they made it this far.
True AKB48 songs are songs that can make people doesn’t need to be too grand…it doesn’t need lavish promotions. AKB48 songs are just songs that aims to make people smile….not songs that need money. True AKB48 members are humble…it’s stated in their chant right…

()…calm,careful, and precise…those are true AKB48 members. AKB48 members show what they truly are regardless of any result…they show their real selves to the public and that’s why they are different from idol groups. It doesn’t matter if their old pictures are shown…because those are what they are…those are the faces of them in the past that made AKB48 to what it is now.

True AKB48 members are brave…never backing down in anything…even camping in the wild and skydiving. Just watch Nemousu TV…how many hard jobs did the original members did…the Nemousu TV of new members never had that level of difficulty. Old AKB48 members are what they are now…because of the sufferings they have undergone…from humiliation to downgrading…they built the courage to stand…strength  to become the pillars of AKB48.

Just watch at the previous videos of AKB48…for example Acchan’s Jounetsu Tairiku…popular members like her only have day offs that can be counted using the fingers. In Acchan’s case only 5 days in a year…and everyday is down to seconds…because for them…their time is fully packed…it is packed and yet they still do very well in their performances. They do all of this…so that AKB48’s name will be known.

Now let is look at the new AKB48…is there something that really strike our attention? None…is there a particular achievement of a new generation member we can be proud off? None right? If they can’t do anything worth praising…then they will surely make the name AKB48 made from none at all go down. If the new generation members do nothing…they will surely make all the hardwork done by old members just wasted.

I did tell you at the start right? I love AKB48…I’ve watched all their concerts, their documentaries, their stages, I’ve watched dramas, shows,and movies that showcases AKB48 members…my laptop is filled with nothing but AKB48. But the AKB48 now….is just nothing….nothing to be even proud of…it’s like it already slowly wilting. Are they going to be only proud of the decreasing million sales which is the top in the oricon charts? No…winning the Japan Record Awards is also not too important…but winning that will surely show that the AKB48 New Generation can survive on its own…for now. Because after the Japan Record Awards…Takamina will surely graduate from the group. Let us think that winning the Japan Record Awards for 2014 will be their gift for Takamina for sacrificing her teenage years in building AKB48. 

Winning the Flying Get and Manatsu no Sounds Good is like Atsuko Maeda’s price of being the center and eternal ace of the group. 

Did you realize that when Flying Get won the award the plaque  was given to Acchan who was the Manatsu no Sounds was given to Takamina when Mayuyu was acting as the center!
53th Japan Record Award
54th Japan Record Award
More than a hundred million views in Youtube for Heavy Rotation is the gift for the graduating Yuko Oshima…

You might be asking why these three needs a grand gift and grand graduation…the answer is simple…because these three are the main pillars of AKB48..these three people are the one that sacrificed the most to make AKB48 where it is now. 

Maeda Atsuko (Acchan)- The Face of AKB48
The Face and the center Maeda Atsuko…the most scrutinized position in the songs….even though she is still 15 years old…she already has Anti’s just because she, the most undeservable person to become the center became one. You can just imagine how much pain she have to undergo because even though she is the most popular member…she is also the most hated one. She centers in most of the AKB48 singles giving her the title the Eternal Ace of AKB.

Oshima Yuko (Yuko)- The Voice of AKB48

Second…the Voice and Spokesperson in AKB48…Oshima Yuko. The second generation member who got first place in 2010 and 2012. Why is she named as the voice of AKB48? It’s not because she sings most of the lines in the songs as a matter of fact Takamina and Acchan have the most singing lines. She is said to be the Voice…because she is never afraid to say anything…because she stands to where she believes is right…even to the extent of defending her fellow members.

Takahashi Minami (Takamina)- The Soul of AKB48
Third…the Soul and the Captain of AKB48…Takahashi Minami. Even though she never ranks third to Acchan and Yuko…she is still a very important member. If you look at MV’s you will always see her in the front…forming the familiar formation of Acchan in front and Yuko and Takamina on her side. Takamina is the General Director of the whole 48 family…which means….she manages them all…Now how come a 14 year old girl who failed in the Horipro audition become one of the most important member of the most famous and popular Japanese female group? Takamina…according to Aki-P is AKB48…which means without her AKB48 is not AKB48.

Now…knowing these three…because of course these three are very popular…doesn’t it feel weird if the three are not in photoshoots and shows? It feels blank if even one of them is missing right?